Monday, June 7, 2010

Week 2, C & D

Monday - Day 1 of C & D

We started off the week a little slow, it was one of those days where we were on the go and just couldn't get enough time to dedicate to tons of school work. However, we sat down and read Caps for Sale, which Andrew thought was hilarious! He got soooo into the story, telling me what he thought was going to come next, mimicing the monkeys and their actions... Following the story we practiced writing capital and lowercase C & D. For some reason he was making some of his "c" backwards, and then doing the same thing with his lowercase "d". He knows how to make them the right way, and knows the difference between "b" and "d", so when I asked him about it he said he was just being silly. Crazy kid...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Week 1 (A&B)

Monday - Today was the first day! This week we are doing letters A & B.

We began with a story called Egad Alligator, which he really liked. After that we sat down and began working on practicing printing of both upper and lowercase letters. He did really well. I wrote out the letters for him first, and then he practiced each one 4 times. I asked him to practice his lowercase "a" a few extra times as he wanted to do it backwards at first. But then he got the hang of it and was so proud of himself. Next we opened up a workbook I had bought him several months back, and did the pages for both A & B. He had to trace the letters and then write them himself. Did very well.

I also had him practice his sign language for both A & B. He remembered both from school! His favorite activity though was sorting through all of his matchbox cars and picking out the ones that began with A & B. Now, he knows his cars quite well, but I was surprised at which ones he actually knew started with those letters!

Tuesday - Day two of A & B.

Today we took a field trip to the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium! On our way to the zoo, I had him tell me as many words that he could think of that began with this weeks letters. He did very well and was quite excited when he would get some right! At the zoo we walked around and pointed out the animals beginning with A & B. He was really looking forward to seeing the bats... :) Our story today is Berenstain Bears - Go out for the team. So weird to think that I grew up reading those books as well!

Wednesday - Day 3 of A & B.

Today we played a game called Ants in the Pants. I told Andrew to pick out one of his games that started with A and that's what he picked! He is sooooo good at that game too. Totally beat me. And I didn't even "let" him win! We read a book called Once Upon a Banana. A very funny book! No words, just pictures. With every turn of the page he was able to follow along with the story and tell me what he thought was happening. His imagination is amazing :) He also rode his bike around the neighborhood, and kicked around the beach ball.

Thursday - Fourth day of A & B.

Daddy was off today so we didn't get to do as much "learning" as I wanted to, but I took advantage when we could. We read the book Baseball Blackout and he pointed out all of the different characters in the book. It was a Scooby Doo book with pictures instead of some of the words. We did take a trip to Aquarium Adventures and purchased a few more fish for our tank. We all played a few games of wii Bowling as a family... Andrew is pretty good! Walked down to the park in the evening and pointed out the A's and B's on license plates on the way there. Talked some more about some words that start with this weeks letters.

Friday - Last day of A & B!

I want to start by saying that Andrew is so excited to start C & D next week! He keeps asking me if it's time LOL! I had to make a trip to the Bank today so that was a quick field trip. We read our last story, The Apple Pie Tree. It was really cute! Andrew said he wants to make an apple pie like in the story. I didn't even think of doing something like that this week! However we did have some apples with dinner :) After dinner I had Andrew write out 5 words each that started with A & B... his handwriting has improved so much over the past few months, and I want to keep that momentum going.

To finish off our week, I had him go on a scavenger hunt in his toy room for two items, each beginning with A & B. Within 5 seconds he ran back to me with one of his Audi's. His excitement was priceless. Then a few moments later he found a stuffed bear. After that we reviewed his sign language from this week.

All in all, I'd say this first week went quite well! I wasn't too sure, I didn't know how thrilled he'd be about continuing "school" during his summer break, but I figure as long as I make it so fun that he has no real idea that he's learning, we'll both benefit :)

Summer School Begins!

Andrew has been out of school for less than a week, and already I'm looking forward to the next school year! LOL! Just kidding.

But seriously, he has learned so much over the past year and his mind is like a sponge. He soaks up EVERYTHING. He amazes me with what he knows, things that I didn't think he was ready for at this age.

Along with some other moms who have kids the same age as him, we are putting out kids through their first dose of "summer school". I mean, they're 4.5... never to early to start... right? We are following the ideas of Letter Of The Week, each of us taking our own ideas and tweaking them to fit our individual children and what we want them to focus on.

I am writing this blog to document Andrew's adventures in his summer school. :)